Sunday, January 16, 2011


I love playing games with my class friends.  During December we spend the entire month playing games to remind us of different parts of the Christmas story.  The first week we talk about the angel visiting Mary to tell her that she would be the mother of God's son Jesus.  We make hand print angels and a child acts out the angel part in the story.  On the last day of class I hide white feathers all over the class and tell them to remember our story this week their are angel wing feathers hidden all over the room.  The children love finding and keeping the feather.
The week we talk about the wisemen following the star to Bethlehem.  I hide 5 construction paper stars with the letters J, E, S, U, S on them.  When they children find all the stars we have to figure out what the letters spell.  Once we figure it out we put them on our wall for another game we play at our Christmas party. 
Notice  Christmas party not Holiday party.  I love being at a Christian school where we can celebrate our Christian heritage and the birth of Jesus our Savior.  " God loved us, and sent His son"  John 3:16 (simplified for preschool)  One of my favorite sites for getting Bible ideas is

Mrs. Nanette spinning the next player
Finally at our Happy Birthday Jesus celebration, we play a game called put the baby in the manger.  The children color the baby Jesus and then just as you play pin the tail on the donkey, we put the baby in the manger.  Everyone wins, but the real winners get first prize pick.