I love my job because 1. I get to play all day 2. I have a captive audience (well when I do fun stuff) 3. I get to teach about God 4. because 4 and 5 year old children have not developed sensors on what to say 5. because the kids think I am special ( won't be so good when they begin to say OH NO I DON'T WANT THAT MEAN TEACHER) Fortunately, that has not happened yet, at least that I know of.
I decided to add a 6th because the last couple of weeks have been rich in messages. I love my job because every morning before work we meet either as a team or school for prayer or devotion time. The devotions have been awesome, and the bonding time though brief with my team is priceless. How many jobs can you go to work and hear Gods word, or start your day openly in prayer.